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So I was doing Stringy Pete's quests, unfortunately one of those dumb priests started insulting me (I'm playing a custom Clarisse Vorak), and because I'm level 41 I'm not taking shit from his level 15 ass (the game is terrible at that btw, NPCs should know to shut up when they are heavily outclassed... soooo many dead people behind Clarisse this run). Of course he attacks me, of course he dies. Anyway, quest botched, am sick of this and decide to take on Pete. What could happen right? I've been comfortably blitzing the last 15 levels.

Ok wtf is this fight? I swing at Pete 5 times and take like 1% of his HP. This is bad, but ok, I'm tanking. But wait there's more! Have a bunch level 45 skellies that are as tanky as Pete! I get knocked down, thinking this is the end... but then the skellies start fighting each other!! That saved me. Raven and Perriman keep fighting (Perri dies) long enough for me to wake up, and am able to win the fight.

I have no idea how this happened. Was it a weird interaction with a Perriman fireball? Anything else? I have no clue. Anyways, hilarious fight, I grab the boat and that RIDICULOUS loot, rez Perri, and continue on my adventures :)

This made me wonder wether you can mind control one of the skellies and do this legit in this fight. Anyone ever tried?