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What does this do? And do I run it after all of NWN is installed?
carnival73: What does this do? And do I run it after all of NWN is installed?
The re-installers are if you activate a multi-player CD key. Since they are set to the 'generic' key for the single player download, you need to re-install the expansions for them to work with the 'new' key..
Post edited November 09, 2010 by KickingSquid
So to paraphrase, if I want to take this online, I need to run Kingmaker but if I'm just planning to do the whole game plus expansions solo, I don't need to worry about Kingmaker?
carnival73: So to paraphrase, if I want to take this online, I need to run Kingmaker but if I'm just planning to do the whole game plus expansions solo, I don't need to worry about Kingmaker?
Not quite. If you want to go single player only, there should be no problem with the 'vanilla', ie NWN Diamond, download. If you want to go online, you must use a multi-key. Because the multi-key is different than the included expansions' default keys, you'll need to re-install the expansions after you activate the multi-player key.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by KickingSquid
So it's probably best just to install the whole thing, including Kingmaker, regardless of multiplayer.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by carnival73
carnival73: So it's probably best just to install the whole thing, including Kingmaker, regardless of multiplayer.
The NWN Diamond download is for single player. I'm quoting this email from support to explain the re-installer:


Please extract and replace file in Neverwinter Nights Diamond game directory. Next please go to your My Account page and find the "premium modules re-installer", under the Neverwinter Night additional content. Download this file and install it. The modules will now be adapted to the new CD keys.

Adam Support
Post edited November 09, 2010 by KickingSquid
Ah I see, it's a fix for a confubumalation.

Thanks for the info.

I originally thought it was a new huge community mod with extra content.
You're welcome. It is confusing as hell.
They must've fixed the main executable because I've been able to start all three premium mods without any authentication events.
Nevermind, I see what I just did.

When you said 'expansions' you weren't refering to the two expansions that come with Diamonds, you were referring to the three premium mods.

Running the Kingmaker installer just adjusts the keys once the main package has been installed.

Double nevermind.

Saw the other thread.

The reinstaller is for readjusting the three mods after I've received CD Keys from GoG to play mulitplayer, hence where CD keys would actually come into the equation.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by carnival73
carnival73: They must've fixed the main executable because I've been able to start all three premium mods without any authentication events.
Nevermind, I see what I just did.

When you said 'expansions' you weren't refering to the two expansions that come with Diamonds, you were referring to the three premium mods.

Running the Kingmaker installer just adjusts the keys once the main package has been installed.

Double nevermind.

Saw the other thread.

The reinstaller is for readjusting the three mods after I've received CD Keys from GoG to play mulitplayer, hence where CD keys would actually come into the equation.
Yeah, my bad. Should have said modules. Hope this didn't totally confuse you.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by KickingSquid

Having said that though, I ran the Kingmaker installer after installing NWN without messing with CD Keys. This shouldn't cause any sort of a problem, should it? Figure I can just run Kingmaker re-installer again if and when I ever decide to write to GoG for multiplayer keys.
KickingSquid: You're welcome. It is confusing as hell.
Well, I didn't have any issues trying any of them. Not sure why. No CD key issues, thankfully.

But mostly I'm responding about your icon. That's from this, right? I love it.
Post edited November 09, 2010 by wizall
wizall: Well, I didn't have any issues trying any of them. Not sure why. No CD key issues, thankfully.

But mostly I'm responding about your icon. That's from this, right? I love it.
What ever gave you that idea? ;-)

And, yes, it is. Those pictures are mind-blowing, aren't they?

And, carnival73, I honestly don't know. I guess you're the one who will find out for all of us.
Now I'm making it even more confusing by attempting to download and install the correct version of the CEP. =P
Egads, in for a penny, in for a pound, eh?